As the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is set to launch her digital currency also known as eNaira or the Central Bank Digital Currency, CBDC, many Nigerians are asking questions about what this new currency is all about. Below, are a few questions I have been asked.

1.       What’s the eNaira?

2.       Who is behind this eNaira?

3.       What exactly is digital currency?

4.       Is eNaira also a cryptocurrency?

5.       What’s the fate of Financial Institutions?

6.       Is this eNaira secure?

7.       Where will it be used?

8.       Is P2P transaction allowed with eNaira?

9.       Is there going to be a wallet?

10.   Does it use a barcode?

11.   Does cash in my wallet yield interest?

12.   How about government remittance?

13.   Can I receive payment from buyers?

14.   Would there be transaction fees?

15.   How can one create a wallet?

I did a video to try and answer the above questions as candidly as I could. Below is the video with detailed answers to the 15 questions above.

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