How to Know If You Will One Day Become Wealthy

Am yet to meet a man who doesn't want to be wealthy someday. Even those the society calls 'losers' are all dreaming of becoming very wealthy someday. I am sure you want to be. However, do you know how you can become one? Yes, this may probably be the most challenging question.

In fact, you can become wealthy step by step if you want. Remember, you will become a wealthy person only if you want to become one. Yet it is not that easy to do it. You have to work a little bit in order to do so.

Of course, there may be people saying that wealth is not necessarily proportional to the amount of money or the values of the assets you have. Yes! it is true that we can be psychologically wealthy to this end. However, what we are concentrating in this article is to see how you can become a financially wealthy person.

First of all, you have to examine your current financial status or condition. Yes! you have to understand your current condition in order to help you to become wealthy. Of course, you have to be honest to yourself so that you can examine your current financial condition accurately. There is no point to cheat yourself. For example, if you are in debt now, your first priority will be getting rid of the debts. On the other hand, if you are debt free now, you may need to start finding ways to invest in order to have your net worth gain.

You should also try to see how you are making money now. Is your salary from your the job the only income you have? In fact, the answer most people will offer for this question is probably a YES. If you are one of those people, you have to understand what is your ability and you should also try to learn how you can make money apart from getting the salary every month.

You need to have a goal in order to become wealthy. Most expert will tell you that you should try to save 5 to 8 percent of your income every month. What is your goal to this end? Will your goal be saving 10% every month? You have to work hard in order to achieve this goal. Sometimes we will just spend the money without any control. For example, your friend may invite you to a function you never planned for and you may need to spend some money on it. So, you should have the self-discipline otherwise you will not be able to achieve your goal.

It starts with savings and you can build it up from there. There is what is called the seed of great, that seed is in savings. As simple as saving money may sound, you will never become wealthy if you don't start with the habit of saving money. It was W. Clement Stone who once said that "If you cannot save money, the seeds of greatness are not in you."

Now, assess yourself, do you have what it takes to become wealthy? If you don't start today, plan to start saving money in 2017. Tomorrow I will share my weekly financial plan chart with you or you can email to have one send to you.

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