God Commands, even the Devil Obeys

“A very poor woman called a Christian radio station asking for help. A bad, evil man who was listening to this radio program decided to make something out of it….  He got her address, called his secretary and ordered her to buy food and take to the woman with the following instruction, “when the woman asks who sent the food, tell her that it’s from the devil.”

When she arrived, the woman was so happy and she started putting the food inside. The Secretary asked her,” don’t you want to know who sent the food”?? The woman answered. ”NO, it doesn’t matter, because when GOD orders, even the devil obeys.” The secretary broke into tears.

This poor woman's story is teaching us the principle that the devil fears the most. If God will command the devil, he has no choice but to obey. You see, the devil is a bond spirit; he has no will power over the command of God. In Matthew 4:10, Jesus orders the devil to leave and in verse 11 he left without another word. Throughout the New Testament, we say Jesus casting out devils. When God commands, devils obey.

Taking it further, not just the devil, when God commands all flesh obeys. Kings and great people follow God's instructions because He commands. 2 Chronicles 37:22-23 attest of God commanding King Cyrus and the king obeyed. When God commands obeys follows. God's word is God's command. What He says must be obeyed, either by devils, angels or men. 

What commandment of God are you enforcing today? Be assured that the devil and his cohorts especially cannot disobey the commands of God that you enforced. Psalm 138:2 declares that God magnifies His word more than His name. Whatever you need, the solution is in the command of the Lord, which can be found in the scriptures.

When God commands, obedience is demanded, and your answer is sure. Start engaging God's word today and settle that case forever. 

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