This we can achieve with or without the so-called leaders. We have long complained about our leaders, it is time to do without them. We can teach them what it means to live the Nigeria Dream, by learning to love ourselves irrespective of our tribes and ethnicity. Love is the big word, it is the magic that can turn a follower into a leader. It is the weapon that can make leaders to nod in obedient to the biding of followers. If we have love, we have the ticket to unfeigned unity.
Imagine the difference love would make in our society if we allow her to sweep across the nation unpretentiously. Love don’t need supervision, love is beyond the law, love is beyond leadership, he that has love is an influential leader, who leads without force or pretence but by example, a life of love. The only glue that can unit the different tribes in our nation is love. The cure for corrupt practices is love. The panacea for bad government is love. And the paint brush for re-branding out nation is love, and infant, we don’t need re-branding where there is love.
Love is the answer; if learn to help ourselves, we would need the government as much, would we? Just imagine, if you have a generating plant with enough watt to power four houses and love drove you to help power the houses of three neighbours instead of selfishly pulling some plugs out and powering only your house. Imagine if other good heart Nigerians should imitate you and spread the message of love. Of course, they will follow the example of unfeigned love.
Multiply this with every other thing. Sink a water borehole and share. Beautify your house and street as well. Share your care, love, kindness, time, attention, irrespective of who is at the receiving end, irrespective of their tribe, colour or language. Your little contribution of love is what the nation needs. The Nigerian Dream is unity and to foster that unity, everyone should be involved.
Ghana recently emerged as one of the top countries in Africa; among the succeeding countries in the world, fast growing economy, stable democracy and above all, well organised patriotic citizens. The key to all that happened and is still happening in Ghana is her citizens. When last did you litter the street with pure water sachet? How do you react to people who are likely lesser than you are or to strangers?
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