Another Nigerian Designs Road Traffic Mobile APP

Necessity is the mother of invention. That could be a better way to describe new mobile developments in Nigeria today. Almost in quick successions, we have, for the past one year constantly featured Nigerians who invented innovative mobile applications, gadgets and devices out of the frustrations they have either experienced as Africans or observed being part of this continent.

From social media sites to mobile devices, apps and tabs, the list of Nigerians joining the history books seems to be unending.

Just as we were celebrating a bamboo tablet from a Nigerian inventor on this page last week, we were also awaken, almost immediately after, with the info of another Nigerian, Dele Oluwole who has made good use of the chaotic traffic situation in Africa,particularly Nigeria to create an app.

Why this app Although, Oluwole said he has not been parmanent in the country for the past ten years sourjouning Denmark, Great Britain and New Zealand, traffic reports bachome were however frustrating and immediately evoked the desire to think home. He created a mobile application called JonnyWaka 316, meant to help improve road user experience, safe, efficient road management and reduction of road hazards.

Where it can work

Developed for road users in Lagos, Port Harcourt, and Abuja in Nigeria, and also Accra roads in Ghana, Oluwole said JonnyWaka is a FREE mobile app to download. The app is specifically designed to help users avoid incidents like traffic jams, armed robbery, flood, among other road hazards.


Apart from road users who can use this app to plan their day, it was also said to be designed to help authorities like Nigeria's Federal Road Safety Corp, FRSC and the Nigerian police to monitor and report traffic situations, track road crimes and armed robberies.

The app also gives road users who have downloaded it the opportunity to help the administrators upload traffic incidents like accidents, flood and armed robberies on the site.

With this, the Traffic Report screen is then updated automatically in less than 60 seconds for everyone to see and the incidents are then marked on the road, route, and map showing the precise locations.

There is also a provision on the app site, for users to take a shot of accident scenes and upload immediately to help people avoid those roads/routes.
SOURCE: Vanguard

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