Have you Heard that 'Porn Will Mess Up Your Sex Life And Make You Impotent?'

More evidence is coming forward that the problem of addiction to internet porn is becoming more common and more severe. Unlike many addictions such as alcoholism, having an addiction to internet porn is much easier to hide and therefore can go for years untreated and unknown about by friends and family.

Some people we have spoken to the Ukmedix News scoffed at the suggestion that men could be addicted to viewing pictures of naked women and said that it was completely normal for men to want to do this. However psychiatrists will confirm that unlike a normal healthy libido and sexual desire, some groups of men exhibit all the telltale signs of psychological addiction when it comes to viewing internet pornography.

What exactly defines an addiction you may say? If there is something in your life which you cannot do without and which gives you a rush or a kick afterwards then you may have a problem. We're not talking about something like getting a bar of chocolate but something which gives you an overwhelming urge which you cannot control and which you just cannot do without.

Another thing which skeptics of porn addiction often say is that unlike other addictions it doesn't actually do you or anyone else any harm. They say it's not like you can die or get sick from masturbating over pictures of naked women and they have a point here, but there's plenty of evidence out there that men have ruined their lives because of their pornography addiction.

It can get to the stage where men are unable to become sexually aroused unless they have explicit visual pornographic images available making it very difficult for them to have normal sex relations. They are only able to have 'porn sex' and this can destroy existing sexual relationships and prevent new ones.

Men who manage to stop using internet pornography may notice a significantly improved erectile function as well as a very much higher sexual satisfaction when they have normal sex compared to when they were previously regularly using internet porn.

The drugs Viagra, Cialis and Levitra may be able to help with poor erectile function as a result of a porn addiction but you'd be much better off just turning off your computer and learning to live without porn.

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