Woolwich Suspects Linked to MI5

Mr Adebolajo, 28, and a second man, Michael Adebowale, 22, were arrested on suspicion of the murder of soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich on Wednesday.

They remain in custody in hospital in a stable condition after being shot and wounded by police at the scene after the killing.

A friend of Mr Adebolajo, Abu Nusaybah, told the BBC's Newsnight on Friday that the Woolwich suspect travelled to Kenya last year "to study".

But instead, he said, Mr Adebolajo told him he had been detained by "Kenyan troops", interrogated in a prison cell and "beaten quite badly".

Upon his return, Abu Nusaybah said Mr Adebolajo was approached by MI5 who asked him to work for them - a request he rejected.

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