Signs You are Financially Free

1.)  You are homeless. Anywhere is your home, because you have enough money to stay in the best of the best of hotels anywhere you go. Anywhere you are, you can always feel at home, because you can afford it.

2.)   You are Timeless. Beyond having enough time to spend with whoever you choose, you can afford to pay anyone for their time to get them to do what you would have spend time to do. You spend your money to have more time to do whatever you want, when you want and how you want it.

3.)   You are Out of Time. You are not limited by space or time. You can be anywhere you choose to be anytime because you can afford it. You can be in Africa and decide to travel to America by 12 midnight and hold a conference by 9AM in New York.

4.)   You are Beyond Locations. You are probably citizen of many countries because almost everybody wants to identify with the rich and you are rich. Your economic power gives you the reach of the great, the poor, the led and their leaders.

5.)   You are the Free Credit Card. You don't have to buy anything, others want to give it to know at a discount or for free. And you are so connected that you know how to get anything you want at a discount. You help people get what they want at cheap rate with your name and connection and get paid or worshipped for your kindness.

6)   You are Out of Media. Your voice is a radio station, when you sneeze there is a press conference. Presidents listen to your cramp and clap for you.

There are more coming. Do you know anyone like that? I think I do, some of them live right here. Click this link and get to know how real this is.

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