“Cece!” a virile voice bellowed from the Faculty of Arts car park, it belongs to Dan, a black, tall handsome looking chap as he waved his folder in excitement. “Hi” she spat musically, walking towards him.
Dan accessed her pitifully and narrowed his eyes shamefully, his disappointment was boldly written in his shiny black face. Flashing her little frame before him, she asked, “what?” He swallowed a grunt, producing an incoherent sound, his sparkling eyes blinked uneasily.
“What is it Dan?” she asked again, “oh, you don’t like my outfit? Come on don’t look at me that way. I am free to dress anyhow I like, it is my body, okay?”
“And the car?” he asked very calmly, surprised at the stunt of the sound.
“Which car?”
“That dropped you” was the cold replied.
“Oh, one of my new catch” she answered joyously swinging her tiny frame.” “On… ush… “ She interrupted him when he tried to speak, “please don’t preach your sermon this time, I told you before, I have my reserve about God.” She suddenly, broke down, her face went red with sadness and her voice barely a cracked whisper.
“I hate to believe God exist, if He does exist, where was He when I was raped twice, even before I crowned my teens.”
“Raped twice?” Dan asked in bewilderment.
“Tell me Dan, where was God?” she added with tears in her eyes.
“Raped, by who?” Dan asked again like a courteous knight out to avenge his fair lady.
“I used to be a very determined little girl while growing up, I made up my mind to only etherized my virginity to my dream man, after the ceremonious exchange of vows at the alter. But my stupid uncle, KC, whom I though was very fond of me came along and destroyed my life” she sobbed pathetically. Dan putting forth his hand smoothened her left shoulder, gently and quietly led her to the seat under the orchard and they both sat under the comfort of the orchard. “I will never forget that day.”
She continued, “it was on a Friday night when he came back from school, then I was only fourteen. I was living with his parent at the time. The wind was cold and bitter budging into the parlour though all windows were shut, biting into my skin as if to bid good bye to my virginity as I returned to his room to clear the dishes he ate from. The house-girl was in the hospital with daddy who was sick. We were all alone in the big house. He stared after me as I tried to walk away with the plates and said, “put the plates down.” I did and looked at him for explanation. He was sitting there smiling at me, “you looked very mature and pretty now, Cece,” he said, “come here.” I wasn’t too young to see desire and lust in his eyes; I stood rooted to the ground, confused and scared. Before I know it he was by my side, “Cece come on, let me show you how to be a woman.” He said breathing into my neck. Hatred welled up my soul, “leave me alone”. I barked trying to get away. He pinned me down, bundled me and sacked me upon the bed, beating and tearing me apart while I protested and fought like a wild cat. My strength soon failed me, he overcame me and raped me.
Mummy (his mother) was the first to return that night, she still met me crying. When I told her, she blamed me and called me a witch. The next day I was sent packing before Daddy could return from the hospital, and hear my story. I told my Mum when I got home, to my surprise, my Mum called me a whore, and also blamed me for my predicament. My Dad was never allowed to know and the whole episode was buried. I tried to live with it but I succeeded in locking up myself in the dark world of isolation.
I kept to myself until I found succour in Christ or I thought I did. Two years later when I was preparing for my G.C. Exams a guy in the church called brother Sly offered to help me in my studies. He was lecturing me in Mathematics every forth night. Then one night, I never knew what came over him, the bastard locked me in. before I could protest he was upon me. I tried to fight him, empowered with all the hate I have for men but I wasn’t his match, he was stronger. While he rode on my little young body a sudden hatred for God overwhelmed my entire being. It was the worst night of my life, a fellow who called himself a Christian raped me and God was watching.”
Dan sighed deeply and narrow his eyes, furious and speechless.
“Dan you see what I mean, God wouldn’t help me and my parent wouldn’t protect me, I am on my own. I am beautiful and vulnerable, every man want to have me either by choice or by force. So I have the pleasure of playing them as cards.”
“I know how you feel right now.” Dan started very calmly, “trust is destroyed in you. First, it was a trusted relative and then a trusted supposed brother in Christ – both were supposed to protect you not destroy you. I see your bitterness, the society has disappointed you, fate has slapped you on the face but God still loves you.”
“Where was he when I was brutally raped twice.”
“Have you ever wondered why some good Christian sisters including wives sometime are victims of rape. I’ll tell you, God only interferes when you asked Him. If you had only asked; somewhere in Genesis He said I will no longer strive with man,” in Matthew, He said “ask and you shall be given.” Some times He wants to help even when we didn’t asked but we easily overcome with fear and God can’t operate if there is fear.”
“What happen to God’s love?” she asked soaked in tears.’
“No love is real but that of God. The society fake love, even the church preach love but they are far from it. Open your heart to God let Him show you true love.
Note: This story was modified, names changed to help reach out to many in similar conditions who will not open up for different reasons.
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