Number One: Ladies respond to persuasion and conviction. They respond to good speeches. They can easily be moved by a skilfully nurtured speech or emotionally spiced, convincing speech. The only reason why the old magical sentence, “l love you” will remain a good music to any woman. I call it affirmation and confirmation.
The pleasure they derive is not wholly in the action but in the affirmation. Show a woman love she will feel insecure, speak it to her and she will spark with fulfilment. Any man who knows this can plant anything in them. What you hear is what you incubate and dream about. All women are excited with 'he love me', 'he said he loves me'. Beware whose persuasion or conviction you listen to.
Number Two: Most ladies respond to pleasant things, jewels, diamond, gold etc. The manner they see things is different. Anything bright and appealing will do but the presentation to them is what matters most. Virtually all ladies take much delight in surprises. The reason why forgetting their special days like anniversaries, birthdays etc, or breaking any promise made to them at all is an unforgivable offense. This is also why they take 'caring' to mean 'loving'. Any man who can buy them gifts and present them like a gentle man is termed caring. Be careful ladies, mind what is planted in your garden and what you call love. Most of the guys who use this approach to plant in your garden are players, beware.
Number Three: Women respond to desirable things. Their desires are set and fuelled by someone else's desire. They enjoy seeing another admire them, particularly men. They are turned-on by the desire in the eyes of the male or the commendation in his words. No woman can stand a pair of pleading eyes filled with desires, even if she can stand the seduction of virile men. You see why any man that is gentle and always uses words like, 'you are perfect, pretty, sexy; is appealing to you. Men are not flattering you when they use those words, they are only planting in your garden.
Number Four: Most women respond to consummation. They want to always make a perfect finish. Their hearts yearn for completion. The woman will give all to any man who makes her feel perfect and complete. How do they make you perfect and complete? They make you feel like a lady. Open the car door for you, nod when you speak, take you out, give you anything you want, whisper 'I love you' into your ears. Watch it! It is a smart way to plant in your garden. After marriage, they wouldn't be gentlemen any more.
Understand this, some men have perfected these four ways to plant in your garden, they know them very well that if you are not careful you will fall victim. They are players, be careful. The only way to play safe without becoming their prey is to know what you want. After reading the three steps to love in chapter three you will know exactly what you want and how to get it, so you can stay out of the traps of players.
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