For anyone to be truly beautiful she must dwell in the realities of beauty. What is called beauty today, 70% of the time is far from the real nature of beauty. Many women are dissatisfied today with how they look because of the standard they are using to measure their beauty.
What really make one beautiful? Is it the habitual Jenny Craig slim fit? Is it the MaryKay cosmetics or the some fitted outfit from Italy and New York? Ladies, what are the realities of beauty? You see, different cultures have their different definitions of beauty. What the Yorubas will call beautiful might irritate the Ijaws; what is beautiful in Pakistan might be ugly in Ghana.
I want you to know that it doesn’t really matter the measure with which the society you live measure beauty. It is beyond Hollywood or beauty pageant standard. It is far beyond human artificial make-over, it is what I will choose to call nature make-over. Something beyond the adoration of the eyes, something that can even charm and mesmerise the human soul. Something even the closed minded chauvinist can’t resist; some charm that leave other supposedly envious women starring. It is the naturally realities of beauty. Very briefly, we will look at three most powerful realities of beauty.
Reality #1: Natural Smoothness
Every human was born smooth. From the inside out, what you will touch is some kind of smoothness. Something that even you should be proud of about yourself. It is definitely abstract. Something that makes you smile when you remember it, something that makes you say to yourself, ‘I am bad.’
Ladies, understand that the smoothness men want is beyond the smoothness of the skin; I call it the smooth nature. It is a nature no man can resist. It is that light from within you that shows in everything you do; in your smile, looks, walk, talk etc. Some kind of inner satisfaction; some choose to call it inner joy, unspeakable, full of glory, inner radiance, unpretentious manners, free and relaxing, happy with nature and everyone.
Men want to see women who have self-excitement; who generate their own happiness, not those who only derive happiness from others. Those who have enough happiness for themselves and some to spare. Nobody, wants to buy emotional liability. You are not beautiful enough, if you don’t have that inner smoothness. You need enough smoothness, more to freely express; to excite smoothness in others. The first thing people notice about you when you appear is your smoothness, an overflow of the satisfaction within. Don’t you know even your dog can see your depression on your face? It is that kind of smoothness I am talking about.
You must know that people are like stained glass windows: they sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light within. You need that light within. It is what will attract people to you and keep them around you. At the best, try never to be moody if you must stay beautiful. A depressed face is a boring nature no man wants to hang around for long. When your natural smoothness sparkles, every human with a soul will respond.
Reality #2: Natural Confidence
This is the substance that supplies radiance to any form of beauty. No matter what physical endowments you are blessed with without this inner pillar, you will stand hollow. People will perch on you like a fly on a hot stove and then disappears. Most 21st century models are furnished with this form of radiance. That is why you admire them. They simply exude inner confidence in what they wear as well as who they are. They don’t seem to care what you think, they wave around I-am-good-looking-and-I-know-it attitude. Their confidence is not born out of pride but out of strong understanding of the uniqueness of self. Royalties likewise are nurtured with natural confidence. They are not intimidated by anyone and they don’t care what you think, they only know what they are. Please, do yourself a favour start treating yourself as royal. That is what you are.
Genuine confidence is born out of a depth of self-worth. It is an irresistible charm in a woman that gave birth to the adage, ‘you can’t do without ‘em, you live with ‘em’. Natural confidence never repels, it attracts. Other women are attracted by it too. I have never heard of any man who can resist it. This is what a man saw in a woman that made him throw away everything and marry her. This is what many men are searching for. It is the one thing that tells a man that a woman is ready for the responsibilities of marriage. It was Ruby Dee who once said, “The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within--strength, courage, dignity.”
Reality #3: Character
Character they say is like smoke; it will always reveal itself no matter how you try to hide it. It heralds fire, the same way character emits true beauty. A man’s search for a woman is a search of character, not of fleshy beauty. For true beauty lies in what the eyes can’t see but the soul can drink satisfaction from. No doubt fleshy beauty can attract, but only true character beauty can attach. Fleshy beauty can attain, but only true unfeigned character can retain. They say it's beauty that captures your attention and personality which captures your heart.
True character beauty is the soul of fleshy beauty. It fortifies a woman as her youth fades. A mode of conduct, a standard of courage, discipline, fortitude and integrity can do a great deal to make any women truly beautiful. It can do for you what pretty legs and blond hair have failed to do. I have met with several ladies who at first meeting didn’t strike me as beautiful but after relating with them a little, their character beauty rub off on me and I ended up seeing them with a third eye. Such ladies are the type that my mind believes to be truly beautiful on the long run. For others, I just wish they were little bit this or that.
A thing of beauty is a joy forever; its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness, says John Keats. A thing of beauty is not for consumption, it is not for sale, it is not for sex either, it is a thing of joy forever. You can be truly beautiful and irresistible, just cultivate these three natural realities of beauty. You are not created just for sex, you are created to be cherished; this is why you are beautiful. You are beautiful, yes you are; just let others start to see that true beauty locked up within you.
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