The Never and the Must of Job Creation

In starting a business, we must never make the mistake of starting from the middle. With this I mean, starting a business without floor-testing. Many young entrepreneurs wouldn’t want to start a business until they think everything is ready. They prioritised as follows; capital, the office/people, the market and then the idea to suit them all. This is a very wrong practice that would wreck a business 90 percent of the time.
The reverse ought to be the case. No matter what, idea remains the first thing in business; all other things are based on idea. The idea determines the market and the people. A good idea will always give birth to the capital and the office/place will certainly sort out itself.

Starting big in any business endeavour is not a smart move. I don’t care how rich you are, starting great with a store/office, capital etc is not always a great idea. Growing with the business is always the best. It allows you to understand your business, understand prospective clients, business trends, waves and can even allow you to predict the flow of business. All great businesses are grown by strong determination. Determination which only passion acquired from growing with the business can give. Growing with the business allows the business owner develop firm attachment to his business.

Refusing to start until you get to the place isn’t wise either. This makes many people never to start at all. Starting anyhow, anywhere, with anything is a solid foundation that can’t be broken. Any entrepreneurs who start with whatever they have are radical entrepreneurs; they have what it takes to rule the future. Starting with anything also ejects a strong resilient spirit into you that would never allow you to quit on your pursue no matter what.

While you don't have to be a customer of your own product or service to know if it will sell, it can help if you have that firsthand experience as well as some initial contacts of those who have done your kind of business in the past. All great entrepreneurs agree that personal experience is helpful. Dirty your hands to learn whatever you want to do first hand. Experience the art and act of what you want to do. Even as a graduate of mechanical engineering, you can be smart enough to learn from a roadside mechanic. They might not know Engineering terminology or jargons but they o have experience.

If you haven't been an actual customer in the past, consider putting yourself in that role as part of your market research, experts’ advice. If you're going to sell products for birds, for instance, visit pet stores and observe what customers are buying and what they are paying for what they are buying. Ask veterinarians for their suggestions as well.

Naturally, having some past job experience in your chosen area or what is known as niche will also help you determine if you have a viable business concept. "If you want to open a clothing store just for plus-size women, it certainly will help if you have worked in a clothing store or the garment industry, with at least a year of experience behind you.

There is wisdom in starting small…watching and growing, learning and planning with the business. Good and lasting businesses are not planned in a month. You must have a business plan. Any business that is set up without a documented business plan is certainly not better than a kiosk-structure kind of business. They have the same future, slow or stagnant growth and abrupt ending.

For any business that wants to succeed, business plan is necessary. If any business must succeed particularly in this part of the world and grow out of her initial struggling state, there must be a well organised business
plan. Details on how to write a comprehensive business plan is in my book, Principles of Wealth Creation for every Graduate, found on

Austin Imoru

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