NYSC Corp Members Raped again

 What is really happening in Nigeria? Hope are not turning the tide around, rape cases lowering down in South Africa and increasing in Nigeria? My first thought was a positive one, hoping that the Nigerian people are suddenly became conscious of the evil of rape and decided to speak up when they are violated by some demented fellows. Then, I thought, maybe it is a natural test to the rape bill that was just passed to law. Nature is probably saying, “let’s see if Nigeria judicial and the Nigerian people will follow through on the righteous law that just made.

Obviously, we are not doing enough, to enforce the laws we passed, not in the past and definitely not now. Only this week NYSC Corp members serving in Okugbe and Obarama communities in Ekpe kingdom were kidnapped and raped respectively. The king of Ekpe kingdom, HRH Robinson O. Robinson, is crying for their heads, yet the law is watching.

Rape is rape, we, as a people should all rise up against this brutal violation and put a stop to this. For many of us, so long we are not the victims or relatives, it is okay, but the truth is that the ripples, one way or the other will affect you. Rape is rape, and the new law wants rapists to spend the rest of their criminal lives in lock and keys.

NYSC Corp members are being raped every day all over this country and the law is watching with mockery and indifference. This is evil and we must all rise against this ugly menace. A few while ago, a 22years old NYSC Corp member, Miss Grace Adei Uchang was raped to death in Maiduguri, Borno State.  Three female Corp members serving in Delta State, were also attacked and raped in Owodokpokpo Igbide community, Isoko South LGA, in Delta State.

In Rivers State, a 28 years old Corp member posted to Abonnema town was also violently raped. Then it was Oba Bukola Alli, who allegedly rape a 24-year-old female Corps member into his residence. And then inside Durumi Secondary School, Kurna in Kano municipality, another Corp member in her late twenties was brutally violated by 3 teenage Hausa boys. I can go on and on. for those who think the rape case in Nigeria is not that bad afterall, you better watch it, because reported cases of rape are about 9%. The rest 91% don’t want to talk about it.

Look at the obvious facts, that for every 1 case reported there are probably about 9 cases unreported. I strongly feel it is time we all rise up against this horrible scourge. A rape lady never remains the same again. Multiple ripples of consequences exude from a violated woman that affects the entire society that I cannot possibly write about in this short write up.

Please, Nigerians, ladies and sane gentlemen, let’s speak up, let’s insist that this law be executed to the later. Those boys in Okugbe and Obarama communities must face the wrath of the law.

If you support proper prosecuted of rapist speak up and start by commenting YES on this page.

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